Thursday, January 31, 2019
The Banning of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet
Banning of the Book/ tactical maneuver Romeo And Juliet1. Brief Summary of the PlayThe story is happening in the city of Verona, where two respectfulhouses, Montague and Capulet, argon in rage for many years.The sun of Montague, Romeo, is deeply in neck with Rosaline. As a "cure"for his love, his friend, Benvolio, suggests that he will go under(a) disguise to a fellowship in Capulet house.Romeo arrives at the party, where he meets Juliet, the female child ofCapulet, and both fall in love immediately. Only afterward the party they discoverthat they are from rival houses. Romeo express his love to Juliet and the get hitched withthe future(a) day, secretly.Tybalt is enraged by Romeo unwanted "visit" and he swears revenge. He is offend Romeo and killing Mercutio, another Montague. Romeo kills Tybalt, andas a punishment, he is to leave Verona and neer return. The Friar has a plan tounite again Romeo and Juliet, who is supposed to marry Paris by her fatherdemand. Th e friar makes a potion who will coiffe Juliet a temporary death-alikesituation, and she will not have to marry Paris. Juliet tot ups, drinks the quite a little and apparently die, and the Friar sends a messenger to inform Romeo, butthe messenger fail to reach Romeo, and instead a friend of Romeo reaches him andtells him that Juliet is dead because he didnt knew that Juliet is onlyapparently dead because of the potion. Romeo buys a poison, comes back to Veronaand enters Juliet tomb. He kisses her, and suicide. A little after, Juliet wakeup, find her Romeo dead, and use Romeos dagger to suicide. Romeo and Capuletarrive at the tomb, and decide to stop the fighting between the families.2. Why was the book Banned.I think the book was banned because Romeo and Juliet suicide, (Romeodrinks poison and Juliet stabs herself). Juliet actually "angry" with Romeoafter he suicide because he didnt left her even a cut out of poison ("Drunk all,and left no friendly drop To financial aid me after ?") and people thought that this willencourage teenagers to suicide because of false love.3. Do you agree with the banning?I do not agree with the banning, although I do think it doesnt fit toan Elementary school or Jr. High, because of the hard language (I had reallyhard time forecast what some vocabulary is), although I wouldnt disallowstudents to read it, if they think they can, or willing to put as much effort asit takes to in full understand the book, I would allow and even recommend it.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Letters to a Young Poet
Late in his carriage, the Czech great poet Rainer Maria Rilke maintained a correspondence with a youngish poet, Franz Xaver Krappus through his well-known ten letter. While in army academy, four-year-old Franz full of passion and deep-seated appreciation for good metrical composition, on reading a collection of Rilkes poetry, decided to send Rilke both(prenominal) of his poetry for Rilke to read and offer some advice in form of commendations and criticisms. The correspondence was thoughtful and filled deep down insight in various c atomic number 18er themes, with silent messages for every unmatched. It began in lasted from 1902 to 1908 and in June, 1929 three years after Rilkes death, Franz ga at that placed and published the garner in Berlin.Frank introduction of the letters detailed his encounter with the writings of Rilke while he was in the soldiery Academy, Vienna. He interacted with Professor Horacek who talked to him some the life of Rilke as a intelligent serio us gentle calm and introverted fellow while in the same academy who was dedicated to his training Rilke continued his education at home in Prague when he could not cope in his new-sprung(prenominal) school away from the military academy.Through this correspondence, one get winds the life of Rilke deep down the sentences he sent to this young poet. There is a hint to the shifting that he undergoes the principles that guide his life and how these changes influence his writing.The progression in the life of Rilke is visible in the letters sent to this 19-year old poet his life is establish on the finding of the direction of the inner pursuit answering the elemental question of life and then wait until the inner voice speaks with a bold answer. This is his opinion of the foundation of a viable public life. He reckons in the power of reading to build a strong writing course good writers read and good readers write. To approach productive reading, it is important to descend with an open mind and be ready to screw the utilisation. This is how best to understand writings and be in the best position to criticize them if invite be.The central theme is love. He understands the difficulty associated with loving. He tells the young poet about the travail of learning how to love. He leaves him with the advice exert learning. Sadness, aloneness also provide in his write-up. This conflict with love may reflect the hitches he experiences in his family life, and why he seldom mentions his family. As an introvert, this is allowed. Rilkes search for purdah is important in discovering the pace and direction of the inner man this is a major theme of his life. This also keeps him away from the pressures of the outside world and its successive conflicts. Lets take a look at the letters earn One There is scarce one way Go within. Search for the cause, find the impetus that bids you write. He writes this to advice Franz about life c areer st impostureing with an intros pective search for discovery of the true reason for bosom in life. This letter shows the basis for his life pursuit and advice for the young poet on career choice.Letter Two Live awhile within these books. find of them, whatever seems worth the learning, but above all,love them. To live within the books is to be able learn, and to love them is the way to be open to its lessons and vex appropriate life changes as required.Letter Three Let me lead you right here to read as little as mathematical of aesthetic critiques. It shows his distaste for criticisms that are not appreciative of the exclusive work of arts. Love is a prerequisite for true criticism.Letter Four raise to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They lowlifenot now be given to you because you could not live them. The questions that arise in life do not come with answers by merely asking but until the questions are incorpora ted into daily living thats where they get answered.Letter 5 There is often beauty here because there is much beauty everyplace. Life is beauty, it al awaits on what you see not where you are.Letter six Why feignt you think of him as the coming one, who has been at hand since eternity, the proximo one, the final fruit of a tree, with us as its leaves? Live your life knowing there would be pain, but you still joy.Letter septenary To love is also good, for love is difficult. For one human being to love another is perhaps the must difficult task of all, the epitome, the ultimate test. This letter was explicit on love, and detailed the enigmatic way he sees and experience love.Letter Eight And this is the reason the sadness passes the some issue new within us, the thing that has joined us, has entered our heart, has at peace(p) into its innermost chamber and is no longer there either it is already in the blood.Letter Nine Your question can give out a good attribute if you dis cipline it. It must become a knowing it must become the critic. This gives advice on how to turn doubt to a useful tool in life and career.Letter decennium Art also is scarce a way of life, and we can, no case how we live, and without knowing it, prepare ourselves for it. He admonishes the Young Franz about the existence of art he asserts that that art is part of us and our lives whether we accept the fact or not.REFERENCERainer Maria Rilke. letter to a young poetLetters to a young poet. Accessed from to a young poet. Accessed from writing. Letters to a Young PoetBrenda Benson Letters to a Young poet by Rainer Maria Rilke Letters 1-5 Letters to a Young Poet, letter 1 No one can advise or help you- no one. There is only one thing you should do. Go into yourself. I believe this advice goes for anyone, but I can identify with this. The reason is tha t you genuinely cant depend on anyone, because the other person will not care for the positioning or whatever the way you do. Many of times, where I thought I could seek for other for help, they hadnt come through for me.Even though, it is something disappointing, but it is life, we must deal with disappointment constantly. In the end, what doesnt kill will only make you stronger, how true those words are. For when you are at your lowest point, that is when your personnel shines through. Letter to a Young Poet, Letter 2 Learn from what you quality is worth learning Learning is not just learning from a book, it can also be about life, the experiences that a person has gone through.People have often advised me what I should do with my life and how I should live about it. Its unceasingly difficult because we all are manipulated by society, and the slightest difference in personality makes for the biggest commotion. Well anyways, you can be told so many things, what is right and wh at is wrong. Sure, you listen to them, some of the advice youll take in and others just let it drift away. All in all, it doesnt matter what batch may say, its what you tonicity what is right.Letter to a Young Poet, Letter 3 Always trust yourself and your own feeling, as opposed to argumentations, discussions, or introductions of that sort This I believe is the hardest situation, which is being able to trust yourself. We always have doubts if were ever good enough, and always making things into a competition. Where we should make things into a learning experience, and appreciate others wisdom. When I began this school I would say that I was intimidated by the students the class, they were so talented.I doubted if I could really accomplish my goals that I had here in New York and in Parsons. later on that day, I spoke to special people they lend me their ear and some advice. All I driveed to do, all I still need to do is believe in myself, trust myself, know that my abilities ar e exceptional, and keep moving forward. Letters to a Young Poet, Letter 4 wear outt hate anything Hating is a very strong emotion, hating consumes the heart and you dont feel much. Your mind when preoccupied by hate has nothing much to offer. Its an emotion that tiring, and hard to let go.When you learn you wear out hating, your feel so relieved, and is at peace with the world. As a young girl, I hated many things, and I had let it consumed my heart. When you hate you feel very alone, and you feel that no one is there for you, nor do you believe they will understand you. When I grew older I realize how much energy it took, how much it keeps you in the past. To move forward you must forgive, and pass on your hatred towards things. If I hadnt my situation would be a volume antithetical where life would probably be miserably for me.Letters to a Young Poet, Letter 5 But there is much beauty here, because everywhere there is much beauty In all the chaos of the world, in all the impe rfections in the world, there is still beauty. I feel that people have to go through some tragic situation for one time they encounter something different, they can find and appreciate the beauty that is presented to them. At least thats how I look at it, life is full of different shapes and colors, its very much easy to miss, but when I obtuse down time, Im able to see things that I couldnt see before.
Monday, January 28, 2019
The Uniform Commercial Code
The reproducible commercial message Code By Wesley Shropshire Abstract The Uniform commercial message Code has many requirements and justnesss that govern it not only in commerce within our country but similarly in trading worldwidely. It has been brought into top dog if we as a nation need to make some weighty changes or update some of the integritys when it comes to trading multinationally. If we leave it like it is and so many problems can arise and make most big phone line discouraged or even stop trading internationally altogether. With this universe the case it makes it very hard when deciding what the effect the U. C. C. as on international commerce and there get out be many factors brought up on to which side it leans toward. The Uniform commercial Code The Uniform moneymaking(prenominal) Code (UCC), a comprehensive code addressing most aspects of commercial fairness, is for the most part viewed as one of the most important developments in American law. The UCC school text and draft revisals are written by experts in commercial law and submitted as drafts for approval to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform state righteousnesss (now referred to as the Uniform Law Commissioners), in collaboration with the American Law Institute. (Uniform Commercial Code, (n. . ). Attorneys, which are the Commissioners include federal and state judges also including law professors and legislators, are able to practice law throughout the U. S. These organizations regulate and meet on whether to send drafts back for revision or if they should substantiate them. Most of the time it does not involve only one revision but after deciding to endorse them the states are forced to soak up these rules by the Uniform Law Commissioners. Since the Uniform Commercial Code, which is a homunculus code, does not always have jurisdiction in a legal effect unless the legislatures as statutes enact them. Domestic transaction means a transaction dif ferent than an international transaction. internationalistic transaction means a transaction that bears a reasonable relation to a country other than the United States. (UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE, (n. d). Computers and technology has grown rapidly over the prehistoric fifteen years, and this has enhanced the growth of financial markets globally which has guide to almost the clock trading in foreign exchange, financial instruments, and securities. Services and goods in international trade have also grown in stop number and volume.Since the growth and change in technology settlements of payments in these transactions has sped up how fast they can receive these payments. Because of this money is being moved round the world faster than ever before. The economic significance of national boundaries to magnanimous corporations and financial institutions is being reduced. These trends in transactions, payments, and transnational operation of corporations have led to commercial compel for greater certainty and reproducibleity in the law governing international transactions. (The Effect of Uniform Commercial Code, (n. . ). In these international transactions you have to worry about more jurisdiction laws victorious place. Rules of private international laws will be the deciding factor into which jurisdiction laws that will be enforced. When it comes to commercial interests many are against this grey heavens of unknown and look for certainty in which legal rules in these international transactions to reduce and correctly measure the legal risks they may be taking. They also are pushing for the unvarying of these rules throughout jurisdictions in baseball club to lower compliance costs.Because of the pressure for more uniformity and certainty in international transactions and the legal rules they are governed by, the private international law rules are being added to too bring together the legal rules at hand in international conventions to be foreseen across th e nations. There has been elflike to no attention paid to what these international laws represent and I recollect and the United States should make it a part of their laws. With this being said pressure is rising on responsibilities of state and federal governments to fit these international developments and should deserve more attention than what they are receiving.The Uniform Commercial Code will reach a point where the process will need to be revised and when it takes place it will put these processes to the test. Because of failure in the portrait process there has been a lot of doubt on the uniform law process and its vitality, and this has caused even more doubt that changes can be made on an international level. If the United States ratified all existent conventions and implemented those treaties on a federal level, a good pot of the Uniform Commercial Code would be preempted (Amelia H. Boss, (n. d. The emerging of the Uniform Commercial Code Process in an Increasingly I nternational World), and if this happened the Uniform Commercial Code as a whole would be brought into serious questioning. References Uniform Commercial Code, (n. d. ) Retrieved from http//law. duke. edu UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE, (n. d) Retrieved from http//www. law. cornell. edu The Effect of Uniform Commercial Code, (n. d. ) Retrieved from http//digitalcommons. lmu. edu Amelia H. Boss, (n. d. ) The Future of the Uniform Commercial Code Process in an Increasingly International World
Pneumonia and Older Adults
What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is a lung infection that back end make you very sick. You whitethorn cough, run a fever, and have a badly time ventilation system. For most people, pneumonia can be treated at home. It often clears up in two to three weeks, but sr. adults, babies, and people with other diseases can become very ill. They may involve to be in the hospital. You can set pneumonia in your daily life, such as at school or work. This is called community-associated pneumonia. You can also posit it when you are in a hospital or nursing home. This is called healthcare-associated pneumonia.It may be more severe be flummox you already are ill. This topic focuses on pneumonia you get in your daily life. What causes pneumonia? Germs called bacteria or viruses usually cause pneumonia. Pneumonia usually starts when you breathe the germs into your lungs. You may be more kindredly to get the disease after having a cold or the flu. These illnesses make it hard for your lungs to f ight infection, so it is easier to get pneumonia. Having a long-term, or chronic, disease like asthma, heart disease, cancer, or diabetes also makes you more likely to get pneumonia. What are the symptoms?Symptoms of pneumonia caused by bacteria usually come on quickly. They may involve Cough. You will likely cough up mucus (sputum) from your lungs. Mucus may be rusty or green or tinged with blood. Fever. Fast breathing and feeling short of breath. Shaking and teeth-chattering chills. You may have this only champion time or many times. Chest pain that often feels worse when you cough or breathe in. Fast heartbeat. Feeling very hackneyed or feeling very weak. Nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea. When you have mild symptoms, your dilute may call this walking pneumonia.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Medical Office Management Essay
Pl easing use this template to answer the questions down the stairs in essay format. The minimum word count for the three questions of bulge 1 is 300 words total (or 100 words per question). A reference citation is required.Your responses should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your write should be soundly ordered, logical and unified, as well as pilot program and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Use the APA style only for citations. more details can be found in the GEL 1.1 world(a) Writing Rubric.PART I MEDICAL RECORDS QUESTIONSThe Medical Record focusing System your office implements is only as good as the ease of retrieval of the data in the files. Organization and adherence to set routines solelyow help to en genuine that medical records are accessible when they are needed.Questions1. 1. wherefore are medical records chief(prenominal)? (See Chapter 14, pa ge 238239 of your text for the reasons.)Medical nurture is the lifeblood of the healthcare delivery system. The medical record contains each(prenominal) of the medical culture that describes all aspects of patient care and serves as a communication plug in among caregivers. Documentation in the medical record also serves to protect the lawful interests of the patient, healthcare provider, and healthcare knack. Medical records are important to the financial well being of the facility as they substantiate reimbursement claims. Other uses of medical records overwhelm provision of data for medical interrogation, education of health care providers, unexclusive health studies, and quality review.2. 2. dissertate the pros and cons for the various filing methods? Be sure to let in information regarding potential time involved, staffing, and spacing (See Chapter 14, pages 257259 of your text). Clinical outcomes include improvements in the quality of care, a reduction in medica l errors, and otherwise improvements in patient-level measures that describe the appropriateness of care. Organizational advantage, on the other hand, waste included such items as as financial and operational performance, as well as satisfaction among patients and staff who use electronic filing. Electronic filing also cuts down on the space needed tremendously, they no longer need a huge room to store all patients files. It is also faster to find, update, and send electronic files. Last but non least, societal outcomes include being better able to conduct research and achieving improved population health. Although it seems at that place could be nothing wrong with EMR, there are potential disadvantages associated with this technology. These include financial issues, changes in workflow, temporary way out of productivity associated with EHR adoption, privacy and security concerns, as well as access.3. Discuss and explain the five basic filing blackguards. Include why from eac h one step (conditioning, releasing, indexing, etc.) is important. (See Chapter 14, pages 255256 of your text).Medical records should be organized in an orderly fashion, and all of the information within the record should be legible to the average reader. The information within the medical record must be accurate and corrections should be made and documented correctly. The wording in medical records should be easily understood and grammatically correct. All of these steps are important to remember when maintaining a medical record for future reference, or plane legal issues. Discuss and explain the five basic filing steps. (1) Conditioning, involves removing all pens, brads and paper clips. During this process you will also staple all connect material together, and attach clippings or items smaller then page-size to a fastness sheet of paper. This step is important because your starting to organize and layout the medical record. (2) Releasing, during this step a marking is place d on the papers indicating that they are create to be filled. This step is important for other members in the medical facility dealing with the filing process.
Friday, January 25, 2019
How Society Shapes Your Decision for College
Peter Berger refers to the sociological perspective as sightedness the general in the particular, meaning sociology helps one see the general patterns in particular state. Well we all know that society can run our excerptions in life, whether it be the jeans you buy, the food you eat or the path you lead for your future, society al airs has a say in it even if it isnt welcomed. My choice to go to college wasnt much of a choice, as far back as I can remember my parents and teachers alike were constantly grooming me for exams and tests and everything I would need to mend reliable into and succeed at whatever higher(prenominal) institution I chose.Not that this was a bad thing at all, Im more than grateful for all of it considering without it I would not be where I am today. The point is, society embeds in your mind that the only way to be successful in todays business world is to go to college, get a degree, and then search for a desk to sit behind for the greater part of the re mainder of your life. If that wasnt encouragement enough to keep my grades high and my sights educate even higher, looking around at the other students at my coach certainly did it for me.I told myself that I would not allow myself to slip and come in into the pattern that all the others around me had or soon would. I was destined and determined to get out of that school, out of my homet induce, and away from any ostracise people or negative energy those people might be harboring. So the easy part was done, my choice had been made, but now the boastfully question What university do I choose? Being from a spirit income family in Texas I knew I wasnt going to at hug drugd any ivy League Institution, but I still wanted to go to an surprise University without bankrupting my parents of course.When I looked at my parents, along with other parents who were equally successful in their careers I noticed they had all gone to Big 12 schools. Again, keeping my parents bank accounts in mind I decided it would be the wisest last to choose a Big 12 University that was still in Texas to stay off the $30,000 + fee for out of state tuition. Based on my major and who had accepted me so far I had it narrowed down to my top one-third universities Texas A&M, University of Texas, and good ol Texas technical school University.The deciding factor was that Texas Tech and the University of Texas were the only two schools with their own college of communication, but Texas Tech came out on top as the only University in Texas that offered advertising as its own major in its own college. It also didnt hurt that all the people I had grown to dislike from my hometown, if they were even graduating, were going on to UT or A&M, so the fact that Texas Tech was ten hours away from home was just the cherry on top.
Poem of William Caslos William Essay
William Carlos Williams is a pioneer who creates a whole new authorizedm in American poetry. He is regarded as an important and influential poet because of his unique and ordinarily plain trend. The verse form Poem is one of the most prominent poems reflecting Williams style of writing. In this piece of work, Williams discusses a interchange contrast between the fatality rate of life and immortality of artistic production through the digit of 2 roses in reputation and in poetry. It can be said that life is symbolized by the rose, the central image and also the main theme of Poem.The real rose and unreal one are skillfully used to represent two factors the reality and the art. In spirit, a rose which cannot avoid the cycle of clock undergoes stages of nature rules. First, it germinates from a seed. Then, it grows up and blooms or blossoms. Next, it fades or discolored. Finally, it dies. The rose fades And is renew again By its seed naturally (Williams, 1983). The issue of the rose melt show that life, no matter what forms, follows the nature changing rule and in the end fades away.Meanwhile, Williams uses the image of the rose in poem to respect the art because the real rose will fade naturally besides the rose of art keeps an ever-lasting lulu Save in the poem shall it go to suffer no diminution of its splendor (Williams, 1983). Generally, the whole poem presents the central contrast of nature versus art, death versus life and cycle of time versus perfection that lasts forever. With respect to the highlighted image of the rose in poetry, it can not be touch but lives forever and remains perfect, fresh, young, and beautiful regardless of time.It has the empowerment of splendor, perfection, and immortality. In fact, Williams use after his words of praising the power of the rose in poem is to advocate the power of art in general. It seems that the poet gives prominence to art whose intention is to inspire and guide people through curves of life thanks to its beauty and significance of teaching truth, giving beauty and pleasure, shaping moral characters, cover power of language and showing human experience.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Data Comm Essay
List some of the uses (roles) of a member horde. File server, application server, and meshwork server. They can manage emails, provide web work, provide file storage, etc. 2. dispute some differences between workstation software and server software. Workstations are in the main use by a single person whereas servers provide services over a mesh to multiple computers. Workstation are typically used for CPU tasks and simulation projects, unlike servers which are mainly used for data storage, to run databases and organize data, DNS, and to host web pages. . List some advantages of mapping a directory located on a server to a workstation. 4. Discuss how you would add radical exploiters and groups to your server. Include a discussion of the permissions that you would need to envision in doing so. Next to the Control Panel link submit the brisk Directory Users and Computers. Then expand the discipline you want to create the user in and right click the users folder select n ew user and put the information required into the textboxes by right clicking this folder you can also add groups.To give users permissions right click the database and choose properties therefore select permissions, if the user you want to grant permission to is non on the list you can search and select their name and then check the permission you want to grant them. Some permissions that a user might need are read, write, read and execute, list folder contents, modify, etc. Server Lab 2 1) When you promoted your server to domain controller and installed DHCP, what would put across if there was another domain controller already on this network? 2) How has your file server been affected by promoting your server to a domain controller? ) We set the DHCP server to provide a narrow incline of IP sourcees. What is the maximum range that it can provide? What would be the scratch line and ending mentiones if this full range were utilized? 4) Explain how a DHCP fill works. When a d evice tries to connect to the internet the network requests an IP traverse. The DHCP server leases the device an IP address that is then forwarded to the network via the router. The DHCP updates the appropriate servers with the address and other information. The device then accepts the address and the DHCP reallocates the address or leases whiz thats available.Then the device is no longer connected and the address becomes available again. 5) Describe the purpose of the forward and reverse DNS lookup districts? How do they differ? DNS is used to translate domain names to IP addresses. A forward lookup zone is a DNS in which the hostname to IP family relationship is stored when a computer requests the IP address of a certain hostname this zone is queried and it returns the result. A reverse lookup zone does the opposite when the computer requests the hostname of an address this zone is queried and the result is returned.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
History of Spice Notes
History Of raciness Egyptians used a lot of racinesss for cooking and stuffed mummies Burned cinnamon to hide stench scratch line recorded spice businessd spice with India Spice trade silk road alone roads go to fertile crescent Arabs created a monopoly on the spice trade moving tocellblock Europe Arabs Kept Europeans in the dark roughly the root of spices brought from India Created secrets and Myths Might b crude seeds so Europeans couldnt grow it Crusaders brought approve new spices when they returned from battle which increased demand in Europe and had in any case developed a taste for spice increasing demand Spice Obsessions Only attainable by ruling classEmblems of power, gifts of state, heirlooms, currency Pepper outlay its weight in gold, used as currency Plagued by counterfeiting desiccated juniper berries (added to extend capsicum pepper plant) Spice Obsession Theories surmisal 1 employ spice as preservative (pepper) Not much evidence (salt deeds fine, local s pices, afford fresh meat) Theory 2 Medicine Theory 3 Medieval palate was dull Theory 4 Trade Route Inflation Middle man increase prices along silk road End of Obsession (17th century) Figure out you could grow spice Markets were vestal Moderate use of spice New groups of thundering chilis coffee tea sugar, chocolate Pepper- Piper nig suspiciousMost important spice economically America is the worlds largest importer Woody, perennial (3 seasons or more), tropical climbing vine No synchronization Monsoon tropical forests of Malabar coats, SW India Heat Alkaloid irritants piperine Inner core perfume From essential oil Pericarp, outer(a)shell Green pepper comes from unripe berries (least hot) Black pepper fully grown and dried unclouded pepper removed(p) strip down (hottest) Cinnamon Cinnamomum verum Small cone-bearing tree in ribbon family (true Cinnamon Ceylon) native-born to Sri Lanka light flavor, fine texture, little Coumarin 2 yr old branches cut and fermented for 24 hrs nner bark peeled and dried to manikin quills Cassia (fake) evergreen native to India, Indonesia and Vietnam Closely related, mostly US Thicker bark, tout ensemble tree used Heavy flavor, coarse texture, high coumarin Coumarin appetite suppressing medical exam/ research antioxidant, antimicrobial, type II diabetes Saffron Crocus sativus Iran major exporter, very high-priced Perennial bulb, 2 f visits per bulb, completely domesticated 3 stigmas, manual collect Egypt Cleopatra, healers Disappeared with Roman Empire but came back as plague refine Afghanistan poppy vs. Saffron Flowers Pollination the transfer of pollen from anther to stigmaCross pollination Chance (pollen in air out or water), or animals Mutualism, coevolution (trick or reward animals to pollenate) Egyptians thought divine power, no-good lotus Ancient Greece floral wreaths Ancient Rome Floralia festival Christian flowers where pure no sex Theophrastus date palms pollinated by hand, proved counterpart Fall of rom an empire, fall of flower, (great suspicion) Gained popularity Europe 600 AD Posies thought to ward off plague Saint Thomas plants look at reproductive virtues Linnaeus taxonomic system based on flowers Botanophilia Victorian Age women grew flowersSexual repression, low allowance account of crime, and strong social ethic Grew orchids (a massive man-made liquidation event) Epiphytic plant plant grow on some other plant (non-parasitic) Orchidmania Biggest flowering plant family, highly evolved (very guarded against self-pollination), native species on every continent Grow slowly (7 yrs to mature and flower), long lived genus Catasetum orchid inspired Darwins early book Ghost orchid Tulipmania native heterozygote First cultivated around turkey because moved to Holland Tulip rupture potyvirus (suppressed anthocyanin) (weakened plant) Spread by peach/potato aphidMutability, novelty, favored by royalty, bubonic plague era, scarcity/ demand 1635 shift, traded in future promissory no tes great Fool Theory (1637 crash) Smell 1 0f 50 human genes in the human genome are devoted to perceive Olfaction sense of opinion, chemical molecules Olfactory tract transmits signals to limbic system To smell must have Volatile must easily evaporate Water soluble lipid soluble Essential oils is what makes plants smell (2nd ary plant metabolite) Isolation of Essential Oils rouse effects the smell Expression simplest, squeezed out, citrusDistillation most used, boil, collect steam, condense to oil light upnt extraction delicate flowers, grind up, steep in chemicals, then evaporate Effleurage oldest method, plant material in dilate, dissolve out fat Synthetic molecule Scent and Memory Proustian Effect smell linked to memories, takes you back Scent marketing Billboard smell makes impolite statement (popcorn) Thematic smell compliments decor (Christmas smell) Ambient smell cover foul odor Signature smell Sugar (refers to umteen groups of carbohydrates) Monosaccharides simple sugars, cant be broken down Glucose basic source of energy (produced photosynthesis)Disaccharides 2 monosacc. Are joined together and H2O removed Glucose can from starch (storage in plants) or glycogen (storage in animals) dear was the first sweetener used by humans Sugarcane Native to S/SE Asia, cultivated in India Large tropical grass, stores saccharose in internodes Stems crushed, boil sap, separate sugar crystals US 150 lbs/ yr consumed Arab traders brought to Mediterranean, sugar reached Europe after crusades, Columbus to Dominican Republic projection first from indigenous people and forced labor from Europe Solve labor shortage imported slave British dominant traders in slaves and sugarSeen as butcherly and replaceable Malnutrition and starvation Triangle trade Sugar, rum to Europe guns, salt, iron to Africa slaves to Carib covered stadium Sugar, molasses to America rum to Africa, slaves to Car. Why so rude? Very profitable, high demand, triangle trade Occurred in isolati on unskilled labor abolitionists end in 1834 Chocolate Cacao tree genus Theobroma cacao, native tropical S America, Grows tall, hot climate, lots of rain, understory tree (shaded, damp) Cauliflory flowers from torso or large branches Each flower potential fruit, insect that pollinates besides in understory Olmec, Mayan, AztecProcess Fermentation pulp liquefied, seeds briefly germinate (choc. Flavor) Drying lose weight, outer shell loosens Roasting refines flavor Winnowing removes outer shell Cravings caffein and theobromine (humans not very sensitive to ) Cannabinoid mimics Phenethylamines chemicals associated with love Serotonin Coffee Coffea, understory tree, tropical evergreen, produc berries 3 yrs old Coffee fruit (drupe) contains 2 coffee beans Center of origin Ethiopia highlands Coffea Arabica 1st cultivated, wimpy (lower caffeine and yield) Coffea canephora (robusta) 2x caffeine, greater yieldShade Grown (traditional) coffee Originally understory trees Diverse habitat Mini mal need for pesticides and fertilizers Sun Grown Coffee Monoculture system produced by clear cutting forest Increased fertilizers herbicides and insecticides Increased soil eroding Coffee berry borer, natural predator ants Tea Popularity tea, coffee, beer Camellia sinensis, evergreen tree/shrub China tea, 1st discovered and cultivated, cool climate, lower yield, lighter flavor Assam Tea, tree, less resistant to cold, high yields, brisk flavor Center or origin chinawareOxidation=fermentation Startch to sugar, tannins released Polyphenols Antioxidant properties Catechines 25% Concentrated in fresh, unbroken, unfermented Tannins 50% break leaves tannins released Types Tulsi tea related to mint, not china tea Medical/religious, India Hinduism Black withered, full fermentation, crushed, dries (usually assam tea) brick Oolong btw withered, short fermentation, rolled or ball form Green Tea little withering, dried, high polyphenols (china tea) White tea young leaves, no oxidation, higher catechins, healthyiest *
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Baroque Art Essay
churrigueresco finesse falls into the period of Counter-Reformation direct by the Catholic church against the Protestants. Much of the baroque art, especially in Italy, reflects reaction to Mannerism, but also the social turmoil of the time. According to the Council of Trent and the Catholic church artworks should be a clear, intelligible subject realistically see in order to stimulate piety.This was part of the reason that the artwork turned towards naturalism, becoming emotionally engaging and intense. STYLE strong perspective set up ramatic color dramatic light and dark (chiaroscuro and tenebrism) movement of radiation diagrams (especially upwards) broken and stir up draperies loose brushstrokes heavy impasto dense and detailed compositions (for emotional impact on viewer) Wofflins 5 points of the differences between churrigueresque and Renaissance recessional compositions (not planar) churrigueresque art has continuous overlapping of figures and elements where the Rena issance and clear defined planes that draw in depth. baroqueness art often has a sweeping separatrix element that crosses many planes. painterly instead of linearThe figures in baroqueness art are merged better through chiaroscuro that blends the edges of each form. This creates a mystical union of all the figures/elements. Renaissance art treats each figure in isolation and they appear as discrete objects. Color contrasts, outlines, contours or hard edges contribute to this linearity. open form (not closed form) The figures in Baroque art seem projected out into the viewers quadriceps (so that the viewer becomes involved in the picture). unity rather than muliplicity Baroque art uses light (and other compositional elements) to create essence instead of for its strictly naturalistic effects or to reveal form.The light sources often are not natural or there are multiple sources. The meaning often emphasizes what will happen in the moment after that depicted. disposal towards u nclearness subject matter includes or shows grandiose visions ecstasies and conversions (religious) martydom and death (religious) ephemeral moments and the musical passage of time intense light powerful psychological renderings (outward emotions, intense contemplation) general EXAMPLES (Italian) Caravaggio, Bernini, (Spanish) El Greco, Velazquez, ( base Countries) nib capital of Minnesota Rubens, Rembrandt ARTISTS and IMAGES Italian BaroqueSpanish Baroque Baroque in the Low Countries French Baroque Italian Baroque Caravaggio The Conversion of St Paul Santa maria del Popolo, capital of Italy 1601 Caravaggio The Crucifixion of Saint Peter companion piece of The Conversion of Saint Paul Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome 1601 Caravaggio Calling of Saint MattewSan Luigi dei Francesi, Rome 1600 Caravaggio Death of the Virgin Louvre, Paris 1606 Artemisia Gentileschi Judith and wet-nurse Institute of the Arts, Detroit 1625 Francesco Borromini San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane Rome 1665-1676 Gi anlorenzo Bernini David Galleria Borghese, Rome 1623 Gianlorenzo BerniniThe Ecstasy of Saint Theresa Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome 1645-1652 Gianlorenzo Bernini Piazza and Colonnade Sculpture and architecture at idol Peters, Rome 89. Gianlorenzo Bernini Baldacchino at the crossing of the church over the grave accent of Saint Peter Saint Peters, Rome Gianlorenzo Bernini Cathedra Petri The passel of Saint Peter Saint Peters, Rome Spanish Baroque El Greco The Burial of Count Orgaz Santo Tome, Toledo 1586 El Greco Portrait of Fray Hortensio Felix Paravicino Museum of very well Arts, Boston 1609 Jose (Jusepe) de Ribera The Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew Prado, Madrid 1639.Diego Velazquez Los Borrachos (The Drinkers) Prado, Madrid 1628 Diego Velazquez Portrait of Juan Pareja metropolitan Museum, New York 1650 Diego Velazquez Las Meninas (The Maids in Waiting) Prado, Madrid 1656 Baroque in the Low Countries Peter Paul Rubens The Elevation of the Cross Antwerp Cathedral 1610 Peter Pa ul Rubens The Abduction of the Daughters of Leucippus Alte Pinakothek, Munich 1617 Peter Paul Rubens The Arrival of Marie de Medici at Marseilles Louvre, Paris 1622-1625 Gerrit van Honthorst Supper troupe Uffizi, Florence 1620 Jacob van Ruisdael View of Haarlem Royal Picture Gallery,
Friday, January 18, 2019
Left in the Lurch Essay
Jim could give Sara a quick anticipate before the insertion just to be sure it wasnt her he saw at the gas station. Jim could go on with the presentation without Sara and hope that the sides he neer received from her will not make a huge force and do a great job presenting what he has. Jim could also call Sara before the presentation and ask if she can email him her PowerPoint slides. Jim doesnt in reality know whether or not Sara is in fact sick or not, nor does he know if that was her at the gas station, but he involve to know her well-being so that he can get her part of the presentation they are supposed to present to the CEO today.Jim can be persistent in taking control of the situation his partner institutionalize him in by not sending him the needed slides or presentation up to help present. Jim can show interest and enjoy presenting on his own. He can show his confidence in how successful of an resultant role his presentation on his own. Jim should go on with his pr esentation with or without the slides Sara never sent and show how confident he is in the work he has done.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Favorite Trip
Topic 12 I have gossiped many get intos in my lifetime, from as far atomic number 99 as Florida to the topics of Kauai. There were two places during my travels that have stuck out to me the most though. see Mason City, Illinois, a little town of twenty-two hundred good deal and visiting family in Beverly Hills, California, there atomic number 18 bound to be about differences but also, some similarities on the subject. The majority of people in the coupled States, even internationally, know what Beverly Hills is.It is the place to be for amazing shopping, fancy cars, prominent houses, and the place to go to see celebrities. This little town in gray California is very materialistic. When visiting, I almost felt as though I had to dress and act like these people just to fit out into their society. Now, Mason City is my kind of vacation. Back in the country, life in truth does move slower and it is much simpler. What you wear and what you look like do not matter.The older and more broke down your truck is, the check off you are for mud bogging and road tripping to surround towns and the creeks. Everybody knows every(prenominal)body and where each other live. In Beverly Hills, there are a wide conformation of job professions. You could be virtually anything your heart desired, from universe a banker to being a personal assistant to some nonpareil famous. The work that they do in California is on the opposite end of the spectrum compared to the work they do in Illinois.In Mason City, you either works on some kind of a farm, be it a pig farm or a clavus farm, or you work for the local anaesthetic HULL Trucking Company. Obviously, there are other professions there otherwise there would be no local businesses or education, etc. That is virtually impossible. The job choices in both places are ways that people see their livings and contribute to our society. Beverly Hills is an urban jungle, full of highschool rises and the lovely look of a big city. There are big noises and a lot of vehicle and foot traffic through its idle words streets and hills.Im pretty sure that the drivers of these fancy vehicles on these winding streets make up their own rules of the road, almost like they are more have than others. In M. C. there is one road in and out of the town, road 65. There are not even any traffic lights, and scarce a few stop signs. Most roads there completely require you to yield and make sure there is no one coming. People that are from Central and Southern Illinois say that Chicago and its surrounding suburbs should be considered an entirely contrasting state. I believe that this is true.Central Illinois is rolling plains and a horizon as far as the eye can see. The smell of fresh air and the surroundings, make it an absolutely beautiful place to visit or to even live. Illinois is probably where I will end up some day, owning a farm and lots of animals. It was and still is my favorite place to visit in the United Stat es. But, having been visiting California all of my life, it has a special place in my heart. These places are polar opposites in every way imaginable. I like being able to visit different ways of life.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
History/Industrial Boom Essay
During the stage of 1860-1900, there were many factors that helped to promote Americas industrial growth. There were many obstacles that kept America from industrializing much(prenominal) as scarce labor, plentiful land, and expensive labor. Once immigrants started to pour in they would crop for a lot less m wholenessy make industrialization possible. With more than manpower, for less money they could increase the production at any place. The mental synthesis of hales and machines commodiously helped industrialization along with the immigrants working for less money. A capacious factor in industrialization among 1860-1900 was immigration. About 23 one million million people came from other countries and immigrated to the U.S in that time. Most of these immigrants had no skill and no rep in America when they got here. They worked for little to no money making labor very cheap and affordable for industries. The immigrants allowed companies to make money by treating them unfa irly and using the money they do to further build their company. Having a machine do a mans job was great for industrialization.It allowed for a factory to save money and only pay one man, to run the machine, and have the machine do the work of ten men. Having machines made production a lot faster and allowed for less product to bollix saving the factory or company money. The machines were powered by each char or water power, which were both very cheap. Factories found a counselling to increase efficiency era also saving money. During the period of time between 1860 and 1900, there were many of necessity in industry. These needs included communication, natural resources, power sources, cheap labor, and applied technology. According to a pie graph of American in the 1850s, 52% of all power came from animals part only 35% came from water and coal. By the 1900s, the use of water and coal more than doubled to 73% of all power sources. Transportation such as the railroad system w as a very important startle of industrialization.Transporting material goods could be sped up and could be delivered to farther places. Trains could transport terminate goods and raw materials to processing plants. Railroads were a lot faster than wagons, the previous way of transporting goods in America. In the 1860 Republican platform it is evident that the Republican political party of the Federal Government was in control during most of the countrys industrial boom. Their platform wanted to impose tariffs, or taxes, on orthogonal goods to keep Americas spending within its own borders. They also supported the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad. The railroad allowed goods to be sold throughout the whole country, which in turn increased production and sales. At that read/write head in time, as well as today, time equaled money.Travel multiplication were cut, and therefore money was raked in more than ever before. According to a graph, of miles of railroad raceway i n the U.S from 1860-1900, by 1900, there was almost 200,000 miles of railroad track in America. This was an increase of over 160,000 miles from 1860. The United States was on track to becoming a huge industrial nation. Many different factors between 1860 and 1900 contributed to the industrialization of America. Immigration allowed for cheap and common labor. Railroad systems allowed for faster cargo ships of goods. Machines found ways to save money and increase production while saving money. These factors along with Republicans being in favor of industrialization allowed for an industrial boom in America.
Language and Identity Essay
Who am I? What is it that defines that individualality? Anzaldua argues in her essay that the lyric is what defines ones personal personal identity. address is indeed an important constituent of finis, and culture is kn suffer to be a crucial definer of identity. mint intention wording to bond to their identities and communicating their realities and values to themselves and to the world around them In other(a) words, phrase is important beca theatrical role people use it to express their thoughts and beliefs. People rise a spoken communication in order to describe and thus mold their circumstances (Baldwin 109). Consequently, speech does non necessarily define identity as much as identity defines language. People decide on what language to use in order to communicate with their communities according to their identities. Ones identity defines and regulates the use of language and not the contrary.People cover unalike languages this difference is used to depict an d distinguish between antithetic people, distinct ethnicities and races. The human need to belong to a group makes them abide to a particular(prenominal) language and dialect that represents their specific community and differentiate it from the rest. Language is what connects people to their communities they atomic number 18 directly connected to people who speak the equal language as them. Anzaldua argues that Ethnic identity is twin skin to linguistic, I am my language (Anzaldua 136), which strongly supports the fact that language is used to hear that people belong to group. Talking the comparable language and using the same expressions defines to which group people belong to, it also evaluates the truthfulness of the affiliation. Until I stern take pride in my language, I cannot take pride in myself, which basically states that language shapes ones identity.This statement however, does not get into to all situations and communities and is certain(a)ly not constant. The re are people who cannot fall upon to a specific group but rather to a signifier of communal affiliations. Most people speak multiple languages all(prenominal) language connects them to a specific culture and group of people. Tan clearly mentions in her story that she had to speak two different languages to her Asian mom who had her own made up English. Tan relates to both her Asian descent and American belongings by using her moms made up English to speak with her mom, and uses the prissy English to give lectures and speak to nigh Americans.On the same grounds, Anzaldua learned through her life experiences to frequently use multiple types of English, and many other Dialects of proper Spanish and Mexican Spanish. She uses each language to communicate, connect and affiliate to specific people according to their background. This proves that the impudence that language defines culture and identity fails. What happens to the people who speak many languages, do they not get the ben efit and pride of belonging to a certain community? Rather the contrary, they belong to multiple communities and they choose which group they unavoidableness to communicate with and with which language. People have the ability to switch from a language to another to be part of a group and this supports the idea that identity defines and shapes language, and not the opposite.Language is used as a means to identify with people, but it is also used to distinguish between them. People use language to differentiate between people and familiar spirit them to a specific culture and community according to the language they speak. America is known for having a diverse population, and people are identified based on their language Mexicans can be recognized to be Mexicans because of their accents even though they powerfulness be Caucasian. Tan argues that her mom spoke broken English that special(a) the peoples perception of her capacities. People in department stores, banks, restaurants, did not take her seriously (Tan 144)which strictly proves that people who do speak the proper language of the specific group they happen to be in generates a different treatment than that a true English speaker. Baldwin denounces that black Americans are treated differently than white Americans because they speak English with a different accent.When speaking Black English, you have confessed your parents, your youth, your school, your salary, your self-esteem, and, alas, your future (Baldwin 110) according to Baldwin. People associate language with background which then leads to choose to treat that specific person a talk to him a way they associate with the people who speak that exact same language. In this case, for the minority, it is language that assumes their behavior, but for the other prevailing group, it is identity that shapes behavior. It is their identity that tells them that a specific language must be allocated with that specific type of person and then treat them in the way it is conventions set. People speak a specific language because it is in their identity to do so, and they choose to treat people differently according to language. This allows me to settle that identity defines language, and language triggers behavior.Language is a major crucial component of our everyday life it is used to differentiate between different categories of people, connect with one each group, and then choose how they will address those people. People argue that it is language that defines which type of person you are and shapes your identity. The arguments and the authors I quoted on the face of it proved the contrary, and stated that it is ones identity that sets up and decides on the language used.ReferencesAnzaldua, Gloria. How to Tame a Wild Tongue. Nancy R Comley, David Hamilton, Carl H Klaus, Robert Scholes, Nancy Sommers, Jason T ougaw. Fields of Reading. New york Bedford/ St. Martins , 2010. 131-141.Baldwin, James. If black english Isnt a language, T hen Tell Me, What is. Nancy R Comley, David Hamilton, Carl H Klaus, Robert Scholes, Nancy Sommers, Jason Tougaw. Fields of Reading. Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. 109-113.Tan, Amy. Mother Tongue. Nancy R Comley, David Hamilton, Carl H Klaus, Robert Scholes, Nancy Sommers, Jason Tougaw. Fields of Reading. New York Bedford/St. Matins, 2010. 142-147.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Finance Essay
These policies are characterized by a combining of hazard and relapse, and can lay down from a conservative to an aggressive profile. The tercet types of work(a) detonating device policies most recommended and used are Aggressive Policy, fair(a) Policy, and Conservative Policy. The aggressive constitution working with child(p) management focuses on maintaining current pluss amounts at minimum levels, which is reflected in the total asset derangement higher, with a higher margin. This policy emphasizes the aspect of returns on venture-return decision. This policy is the highest risk policy but with much funds to reinvest in the corporation or usiness. consort to Kulkarni (2011) it is a high risk arrangement though, because, should your creditor come inquire for money, and for some reason, you dont have enough money to stand them off, you might end up having to sell a costly asset to pay off your debt to them. (Kulkarni, A. 2011 , Working Capital Policy, 9). The s tand foring policy working ceiling management leaves a person with cash available to reinvest in his company or business. This policy entails a medium level risk and with this policy the business assets matched business liabilities.According to Kulkarni (2011) this policy works in an arrangement where the current assets of the business are used perfect to match the current liabilities. It is a medium risk proposition and requires a intimately amount of attention. (Kulkarni, A. 2011 , Working Capital Policy, 6). A conservative policy working capital management focuses on maintaining a high liquidity, as nearly as opposite accounts assets, as inventories and accounts receivable, which is very expensive, because they remain idle resources that last become unproductive, with s confused rotation of assets due to the large investment in current assets.This policy emphasizes the minimization of risk, as opposed to maximising yields that is not risk to be sure liquidity. A conservati ve policy whitethorn be best for people who want to keep low risks. According to Kulkarni (2011) This is the policy with the lowest risk, but it reduces the money used in increase the production (Kulkarni, A. 2011 , Working Capital Policy, 11). Recommended Policy The working capital policy recommended for Lawrence Sports is the matching policy, much commonly referred to as the moderate approach.The working capital is funded by neat and long term take ining, equity financing or a combination of them. It is vital for the company to balance the risk and return of financing. The moderate approach falls in between the two other polices described above and is the most balanced. This enables Lawrence Sports to balance its risk and returns. Furthermore, it finances short term debt with temporary assets while permanent and fixed assets are financed by long term debt and equity sources (Zeepedia, n. d. ).A moderate approach gives Lawrence Sports the skill to maintain the relationships nec essary to continue business, balance the working capital to lock in create a profit, and repay what is owed to the bank. Figure 1. Different Policies Regarding the Level of enthronisation in Working Capital demonstrates how the Moderate Approach compares with the others in toll of the level of investment in working capital (Watson amp Head, 2012, p. 72). take a chance It is important for a company to choose the best working capital policy, one that features a level of risk the company can handle. team up C decisions about working capital management are beingness driven by the intrinsically related priority of risk management. aggroup Cs aim is to minimize the risk of insolvency while maximizing the return on the assists (Dixon, 1991). Teams C choose the matching working capital policy because it entails a medium level of risk and it will overly leave Lawrence Sports with more cash to reinvest in the business. Lawrence Sports will keep low levels of working capital so that the y can employ the funds more productively elsewhere like purchasing more goods or more machinery.It is a relatively amount of risk balanced by a relatively moderate amount of expected return. The best level of working capital would be the one in which a balance is achieved between risk and efficiency which also requires continuous monitoring to maintain congruous level in various components of working capital, i. e. , cash receivables, inventory and payables, and so on Contingencies A contingency is an unexpected blusht or situation that affects the financial health, professional image, or market share of a company. It is usually a negative issuing, but can also be an unexpected gold rush such as a huge order.Anything that unexpectedly disrupts a companys expected operation can harm the company even if the disruption is because of a windfall (Duff, 2013). In the case of Lawrence Sports there should be a contingency envision in place in the event product is damaged or lost eithe r in transit or by some unforeseen event. Another contingency intent Lawrence Sports should consider is a cash reserve to cover accounts receivable loses if mayo defaults on invoice credits. In this case vendor defaults affect dirty dog line but in turn Lawrence would not have to borrow money from Gartner and avoid high interest rates.For Lawrence to recover from such an contingency Lawrence Sports needs to use its working capital to cover the costs so that funds are not continuously incurred on the bank loan. In order for Lawrence Sports to raise the capital to cover a contingency plan Mayo would have to relinquish all sales to Lawrence Sports, payments to Gartner will have to be stretched out further and Murray would lose working capital and hold operations because Lawrence Sports payments would be differed even longer. These hefty decisions are all unconnected of risk management and can negatively affect business relations.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Amy Tan’s “Two Kinds†Essay
In Amy bronzes shortsighted story devil Kinds we see the strained relationship amidst a Chinese immigrant get under ones skin and a first-generation American daughter. Throughout the text, Jing-meis stimulate continually pushes her to give out a prodigy. She is so obsessive of her daughters excellence, that she does non see the emotional damage she creates. Jing-mei reacts negatively to the pressure. She becomes indifferent, angry, excited and hopeful her emotions fluctuate, because she is in a perpetual struggle between her identity operator and the identity her convey tries to create for her. No one wins this tug-of-war it only ends in peevishness and disappointment. Jing-mei sets out to become the direct opposer of what her mother wants. It just goes to show that force play doesnt work in all situation.In the beginning of the story, Jing-mei tries to do everything right. She goes on with her mothers nearly undoable tests, tries to become Shirley Temples two-bagger and generally maintains a good location about her mothers invariable prompting. In all of my imaginings I was modify with a sense that I would in short become perfect, she said. Jing-mei tried to convince herself that she could become what her mother wanted her to be. Despite the attempts do by Jing-mei, she always seems to fall short of her mothers expectations. Her mother unrelentingly pushes her, because she wants her daughter to be more made than she is. She feels that in America, anything is possible if you try trying and practice. This is true for many things however, becoming an long prodigy is not one of them.It doesnt take Jing-mei long to realize that she go out never fulfill her mothers demands. She is hurt because she feels that her mother does not receive her for the person that she is. Her mothers failed hopes and clear disenchantments crush Jing-mei emotionally. Out of her pain, she purposely projects a personality that her mother disapproves of. Her tempe rament becomes incompatible and argumentative, where it is was once considerate and peaceable. She intentionally says things uniform I wish Id never been born, in efforts to hurt her mother, as she was wounded. Despite the volatile relationship, poor attitude and numerous disappointments, Jing-meis mother ploughs on, unconstipated more zealously. She is convinced that she can gather the reasonable girl into an extraordinary sensation.As the years pass by, the dreams of Jing-meis mother fade away. Jing-mei leads an average life, making average mistakes and basically being the average woman. Her mother finally gives up hope. She offers the piano to Jing-mei, in an effort that I believe, is to symbolize that she is permit go. It could be a peace offering, or it could just be that she finally succumbs to the fruition that her daughter will always be just Jing-mei. The piano is almost manage a trophy, it says OK, youve won. After Jing-mei wins she is comfortable profuse to play the pianothe piece of article of furniture that tormented her. She is at peace playacting Pleading Child. At a watch she notices that the other half of the song is abruptly Contented. At the final stage in the story, that is exactly how she feels, perfectly contented.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
How Internet Has Changed People Essay
The net has changed a lot over the year and a lot of mass re all t hoaryy fall apartt talk to each(prenominal) an anformer(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) anyto a greater extent or else they talk alwaysy on Facebook or some other mesh site. With all the things that you rotter do well-nigh families really entert run any m with each other anymore because everyone is doing something on the cyberspace. Now a days large number fag log on the net income where ever they atomic number 18. Because the mesh decreases submit to face interaction, makes it easier to sack out into a cyber- arena, and vastly polarizes opinions and minimizes basic etiquette, the net income has arrogatee very very much to divide the orbicular population, rather than consociate it. About 86 percent of the world population uses the cyberspace on a daily bases. oer the years Internet has decreased face to face interaction quite a bit. Now days if someone emergency to talk to someone they will pr oficient motion-picture show chat with them over the Internet on apple devices, cell phones, computing devices, and Xbox. a care when someone wants write someone else they beginnert get out newbornspaper publisher and pen they go on the Internet and email them. Now days it is much easier to retreat into a cyber-world, than it is to retreat in this to in the real world. Social websites like Facebook and twitter catch made volume a whole lot little loving than they were years ago. The average Facebook user creates 90 pieces of content every calendar month Internet has done so much to divide the global population, rather than connect it. Instead of families spend quality period with each other they are all in different rooms on the Internet doing different things. I bring noticed over the years that a lot of people have become more depend on the internet that they dont k directly what they would do without it. A lot of things for schools are now on the internet like for my mathematics class everything is online and very little on paper.Now days most parents dont see their kids because they are normally in their room on the internet doing different things like either video chatting, play a game online, or online chat rooms. correspond to A new Pew Internet Project cogitation reveals that 93% of teens ages 1217 go online, as do 93% of young adults ages 1829. Today every puerile has their own TV, computer, and other electronic devices middling in their room. A lot of people mobilise that they need their cell phones or their computers and they dont crawl in what to do when it dies when the power is out. They think back that it is the end of the world when either their phone dies or their computer dies when they power is out.Peoples are lost without the internet. Devices that have internet access are addicting and people some terms dont know when to stop. The internet has come a longsighted way since it started and now everything is online from banking to emailing and lots of other things. A lot of education is on the internet more and more each year, for example if you need help and dont know how to do a math problem and you dont want to leave your house you butt joint just search the internet for an online tutor. 107 cardinal emails sent in 2010 and many more since then.People are now dating other people over the internet, instead of meeting each other the old fashion way. With online chat rooms you can talk to someone that is in a whole different country and not even know that. Individuals are decorous less independent on families than they were before. According to writer Tim Patterson, Facebook has 518 one million million million users. I think that the internet is making people a whole lot less social than they were before the internet started. My family can be so caught up in what we are doing on the internet that forgets that one another are even home. I think that people shoul d spend less time on the internet and more time with their families. According to in 2010 the United States Internet Users the top 5 states are atomic number 20 (29.8 million users), Texas (17.2 million users), New York (16.1 million users), Florida (14.8 million users), and Illinois (10.2 million users).
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Jamaican Culture Essay
Probably one of the virtually alive(p)ly and rich cultures of the world is of the Jamaican culture. It is perhaps due to its exotic purlieu and the various regions of its origin. Today in Jamaica, at that place be obvious influences of African, English, Spanish, and Indian. Being and the three biggest island in the Caribbean its impact is immense on the rest of the world.The official terminology of Jamaica is English. However, well-nigh civilians in Jamaica speak patois. weigh of it as an extremely slurred distressed speech of English with hints of African, Portuguese, and Spanish visual aspect here and there. Most of the time meet k outrighting English will financial aid you understand what muckle basically ar saying.The religions in Jamaica atomic number 18 wide and varied. However, statistics portray that over half (61.3%) of all Jamaicans be Protestant. on that point is also a undecomposed deal of participation in ghostly cults of not-really-defined religi on (almost 35%). Religion is passing held in Jamaica and can affect from what people where to what they polish off. Sometimes cults in Jamaica resort to force play against other cults.The raising system in Jamaica has four basic aims early childhood, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Presently, 703,600 of Jamaicas estimated 2,650,000 people ar enrolled in the education system. About 80% of all teatimechers be professionally trained. Jamaica currently holds an 85% literacy roam for total population (81% for men unsocial and 89% for women alone). Currently in Jamaica, all 3% of the enrolled education students be enrolled for college level education, 32% for junior spicy and high school level, 45% for elementary level, and 20% for ages 3-5 yrs.The majority of the people in Jamaica commonly live in or devout the cities in low-income housing. However, some still live plainly for agricultural purposes.There are numerous holidays and festive occasions in Jamaica. Jamaicas n ational holiday is its freedom Day on the first Monday every(prenominal) august. Most of Jamaican culture is verbalised through stories, songs, and dances of important figures. Here are just a few examples of Jamaican culture. One old custom now only dear in rude areas is that of taking the babys ocean string cord later they are born, waiting 3 days, and burying it in the ground and planting a steer on top of the cord. Another flavour is that of a mother cannot fixate wealthy the first few days after birth otherwise she will get sick and die.In Jamaica, lavish funerals are required to give respect to the knackered for they will rise on the third night after their death. There are also certain characters of folklore. One is Anancy. He is the spider man known for his trickery. There is also the childrens character of bombastic Bwoy. In Jamaica there is also many festivals. The Gran Market is a pre-Christmas celebration. obi is a general term for relentless magic. Ku mina is a popular ritual practiced only by certain sects for religion. Dinky-Mini is a dance and song used to stand by cheer up the family of a exsanguine person. Hosay is a festival particular to Islamic/Indian sects.Most people in Jamaica claim somewhat balanced diets and eat depending on religion and season. A representative breakfast is the countrys fruit, the ackee. luncheon is usually light meat or vegetables while dinner consists of goat, pork, seafood, rice, and beans. Skyjuice, coconut juice, and tea are popular drinks. Skyjuice is the American eq of a slushy.On average families have about two children in cities and having many more in rural areas, especially on farms. The parents usually determine while the children are off tending school.In Jamaica, almost every festival has its own unique dressing design. The most popular and renowned is that of the simple tartan cotton design of Bandana. Womens dresses are of three tiers (big ruffles) and they are known to be adorned in beads and crook their hair intricately.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Conflict Management
If a difference of opinion should devise over the caterpillar tread of the thronging project, crowd 4 has agreed to mitigate the battle as soon as possible. found on the berth of the competitiveness, whether It Is personal or technical for ex antiophthalmic f motionorle, the group up lead tote up in concert and discuss the situation. Once on the self-coloured details of the skirmish ar known, the police squad exit determine the best way to talk the encroach by a majority rules squad vote. After a conclusion is made it result channelise effect immediately to address the participation. timber All impinges and decisions lead be soundly discussed with the anatomy teacher along he way for suggestions and ultimate authority. B. Motivation and stableness be keys for success in the squad project. chemical group 4 possess these qualities and does not foresee a lack of both by dint of tote up on the length of the project. However, in an unforeseen c ircumstance where lack of motivation is place by the police squad, it go away be communicate immediately. The police squad up up leave behind address the aggroup ph wholeus who Is not performing at the expected replete of commitment.This leaveing both be done In a group setting (hebdomadary group c solely) or an Individual representing the police squad up reaching turn up to the shargon after speaking with the just about other aggroup extremitys. . Address the situation with the group member (either In a group or Individual setting). 2. Determine if the aggroup member needs additional sustain or other action to get their motivation back up. 3. Based on the needs, action de take time off be interpreted by the police squad to remedy the situation. * wrinkle All concerns about motivation of a police squad member will be thoroughly discussed with the p arntage instructor along the way for suggestions and ultimate authority.Based on the situations that follow, the special(prenominal) action will be taken to address and mitigate the situation. L. team up member falls Into one or more than categories below Non- responsive If root word 4 Identifies a team member that has be deduct non- responsive (un slight previously notified due to travel, bu siness, etc. ) the team will try to reach out to the member by email several(prenominal) times. If at that place is still no assoilnt after 5 days, the team will then contact the team member by phone (contact phone compute for step forwardncies provided to team).If contact is still not made, the team will get the grad instructor required in the situation. Disruptive If a team member becomes disruptive to the team (continually derailing team meetings, email discussions, or deliverables), group 4 will mom together to address the situation immediately. The single will be address by the team in a team that the Individuals actions ar not meeting or group email. The team will state causative to team activities and the actions need to stop Immediately.If the situation continues after an Nominal conversation or email, the course Instructor will be notified and action will be taken accordingly. Not actively contri scarcelying If a team member is not actively contributing, assort be address by the team in a team meeting or group email. It will be determined if the person fairish needs extra help that the team usher out provide r if it is some other circumstance not related to the course. If the situation cannot be remedied through added help from the team, Group 4 will consult with the course instructor to determine the best course of action. Not participating in weekly collection calls If a team member is not attending weekly conference calls on a regular grounding (unless previously notified due to travel, business, etc. ) the team will reach out to the team member through email inaugural then the emergency phone sum up provided to discuss the situat ion. If the issue is not dethawd, Produces low-quality get If a team member is providing low-quality perish recently, Group 4 will come together to address the situation immediately.The individual will be address by the team in a team meeting or group email. It will be determined if the individual on the nose needs extra help that the team can provide or some other reason. If the member does not compliments team help and still provides low-quality subject, Group 4 will consult with the course instructor to determine the best course of action. It. If a team member decides to rove the class, Group 4 will come together to address the situation immediately. The remain members of the team will reassign the ply, so everyone in Group 4 will have a fair amount.Depending at what point a team member may drop, Group 4 will reach out to the course instructor if it will greatly impact a deliverable with an approaching deadline. Iii. If a team member has an emergency and cannot particip ate, Group 4 will come together to address the situation immediately. The remaining members of the team will reassign the work, so everyone in Group 4 will have a fair amount. If the team member will be able to return at some point, the team will again come together and divide the work up so each team member has a fair amount. passim this time, communication with the course instructor will also be in effect. run afoul counselingOrganizations exist to accomplish sine set goals and objectives. NAMPs main goals is to fork over support to the US navy particularly in terms of maintenance to flit and other navy equipment in unhomogeneous settings including combat missions. In the go of action of its goals an giving medication is bound to experience affair, for NAMP these conflicts argon real considering the item that, the transcription is comprised of ply from the diverse US culture and the fact that, operations in NAMP calls for team work as debate to individual efforts.T herefore, conflicts emerge and how such(prenominal)(prenominal) conflicts ar managed determines whether NAMP passs effectively. To plug that, conflicts ar firm to the advantage of the make-up, NAMP should use the future(a) conflict issue strategies. Such strategies let avoidance, accommodating, forcing, compromise as s comfortably as problem radical (win-win) system.IntroductionOrganizations exist to turn over some set goals and objective. Organizational goals and objectives guides whatsoever minded(p) validation into the achievement of the special goals and objectives a set out in the organisational policies and procedures. To achieve brass sectional objectives and goals, any given governing engages several re seeded players such as man, money, machine, technology and raw materials and knowledge. Whenever teams be formed, conflicts emerge. dates if managed nearly through utilization of conflict proclamation strategies can benefit the organization a lot. Unless conflicts in teams argon head managed, job performance goes down, as well as employee morale and motivation.Background InformationManagement of an organization is liable for ensuring that all the re mentions of an organization are use so well so as to en accepted that the organization achieves its mission. Where human beings are involved conflicts always come up. Navy, interchangeable any other given organization, conflicts devise and when they do, there is a need for conflict outcome by applying conflict management principles such as avoidance, accommodating, forcing, compromise as well as problem work (win-win) strategy (Valley, 2006.231-245). Conflicts are important to an organization in that if well managed they result into the lineage of new ideas. The Navy relies on teamwork so as to execute its functions well.Where teams exist there is a need for a face of cooperation so as to achieve that cooperative function as teams as opposed to operating like individuals . The Navy recruits officers from all cultural backgrounds in the US and consequently it naturally occurs that the people who end up joining teams in the Navy are comprised of diverse cultural backgrounds. This can be a leading source of conflict in the Navy and it calls for careful management, which is non-partisan and adapt towards achieving a common honourable for all. NAMP is obligated for offering logistical support through aircraft maintenance.By the virtue of defying Navy aircraft, NAMP constitutes an integral part of naval operations and therefore any conflicts, which interrupts morale of workers in this department affects the whole Navy force (Bohrer, 2002.24-65). The staff of NAMP is divided up into 3 levels which include the organisational level also referred to as the O-Level, performs maintenance for aircraft as well as aeronautical equipment services, condom maintenance, inspections as well as tonic maintenance (Bohrer, 2002.48-66).The other levels, which MAMP is organized around, are the intermediate level responsible for combat maintenance and support also referred to as I-Level. The other level of NAMP is the Depot level involved in overhauling obsolete scoot (Bohrer, 2002.55-68). The fact that NAMP constitutes of officers in several levels such as O-Level, I-Level, D-Level as well as OMD officers implies that officers at NAMP have to constantly function in support to each other, after conflicts are always bound to happen. The succeeding(a) are some practical conflict resolution, which are applied at NAMP to en accredited that conflicts do not disintegrate teams but on the contrary to make sure that conflicts are resolved to the advantage of the organization.BodyConflict resolution is only effective whereby all efforts bear in mind the sources of conflicts in teams such as, unresolved conflicts, frustration in team members, which all reduce the effectiveness of teams (Schermerhon, Hunt, & Osborn, 2005.35-79). In terms of value, it is important to queue up team members values so that they are in agreements with organizational values. This ensures that employee behavior is in conformity with organizational galls and objectives. This is important and where individual goals are in conflict with organizational goals the latter should take precedence. coaction and problem solving is an effective way of handling conflicts in teams. Collaboration calls for the team members to brainstorm the source of conflicts so as to come up with effective solutions to the emerging problems. Members are allowed the granting immunity to decide on the best solution to the problem which is task oriented (Cranny, Smith, & Stone, 1992.46-66). Collaboration calls for a give and take attitude in which team members can compromise their opinions and ideas for the success of the team.Collaboration allows room for all teams to work together in concord with resolutions to conflict being suitable and in line with teams interests. Collabo ration as a conflict resolution strategy is ideal for teams in that, it leads to the affaire of all team members in the decision making process (Schermerhon, Hunt, & Osborn, 2005.37-78).Avoidance is other conflict resolution strategy, which is very primal and important to teams. Avoidance as a strategy is found on the impression that some conflicts arise out of minuscule and minor differences which are to clean to resolve as long as employees are willing to sit down and act as groups for the common benefit of the organization (Tajfeh, & Turner, 1979.64-81). Avoidance as a conflict resolution strategy is based on the understanding that, human beings are different and therefore differences are inevitable. Where conflicts are solved well, teams regain and strengthen blaspheme in each other as well as trust in the organization .Avoidance strategy therefore advocates for mildness in order of battle to achieve impenetrable healing of differences. Avoidance requires conflic ting members of a team to engage in less physical contact in order to allow individual differences to heal (Spector, torment & Van Katwyk, 1999.12-32). Therefore, avoidance of the source of conflict is an effective means of beef up interpersonal relations in teams.Authoritative sway has been found to be an effective conflict resolution strategy. Authoritative command assumes that, team leading can effectively solve the differences between employees or team members. This is an easy and faster way of settlement conflicts given the fact that, this conflict resolution strategy is the very fast and does not involve a lot of deliberations which may be time consuming. Given the fact that attractions have authority, arbitrating becomes easy hence speeding up the conflict resolution process. unlike the collaboration approach, authoritative command does not leave room for brainstorming of issues and decisions are left to the discretion of the team leader (Tajfeh, & Turner, 1979. 74-81).The other common conflict resolution strategy is accommodation method. modification is especially useful in resolving conflicts resulting from individual differences. It involves team members giving up the possible gains in a conflict situation to accommodate opinions of other team members (Fox, & Spector, 1999.109-126). This method is useful in building effective teams based on mutual understanding. Finally, comprise is also a conflict resolution commonly utilize by teams to resolve conflicts.Compromise as a conflict resolution strategy calls for the team members to settle for less, for the sake of the team and the organization. In a compromise situation a team member may accept to suffer in order set about at solutions to challenges and for the sake of the endurance of the team (Cranny, Smith, & Stone, 1992.47-65). Compromise is useful in situations, which threaten the very survival of an organization.Conclusion Team building takes a lot of organization resources and conflicts should not be left to get hold of down the team spirit. To ensure the survival of teams in organization calls for a good understanding of the nature, types, causes and resolution strategies. Whereby conflicts are resolved well, teams move from strength to strength and the organization achieves goals and objectives.RecommendationsIt is recommendable for NAMP to utilize avoidance, accommodating, forcing, compromise as well as problem solving (win-win) strategy wherever challenges emerge in the process to running the day to day activities of the organization. Conflict resolution can not be well management unless managers are well chained. There is a need for NAMP to train its managers in skills related to conflict resolution so as to make sure that, the organization continues to offer its services uninterrupted, and to maintain high staff morale as well as prevent staff turnover which often results if conflicts are not well managed.ReferencesBohrer, D. 2002.24-65. Ameri cas additional Forces. Minnesota. Zenith press.Cranny, C, Smith, P. and Stone, E.1992.46-66. Job satisfaction. New York Lexington.Fox, S and Spector, P. 1999.102-142. A model of work frustration-aggression. Journal of organization at Behavior. 20.Spector, P., Fox, S., and Van Katwyk, P. 1999.12-32. The role of controvert affectivity in employee reactions to jobs characteristics Bias effect or substantive effect. Journal of occupational and organizational Psychology, 72.Schermerhon, S., Hunt, J., and Osborn, R. 2005.35-79. Organizational behavior. 9ed. John Wiley $ Sons Inc.Tajfeh, H., and Turner, J. 1979.64-81. An intergroup conflict in W.G.Austin & S. 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