Friday, December 27, 2019
Marketing Benefiting From Social Media - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 571 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Society Essay Level High school Topics: Social Media Essay Did you like this example? Did you know companies purposely give you ads or sponsors based on your likes on social media? Many see the negative side of social media, but what they overlook is how media has an impact on marketing. Media allows companies to analyze and target consumers demands. The platform that social media has created has changed how we see marketing today and has helped influence many audiences worldwide. Marketing has benefited from social media. Media gives chance for many companies to give an appearance and to gain many followers as possible. Social media has impacted the relationship between companies and its customers. This allows the customer to have more control instead of companies have the upper hand all the time. Corporations have developed new techniques in gaining more audience. Corporations also create polls and mini videos through media to appeal the audience demands. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook allow businesses to target more audience worldwide based their likes and dislikes on these platforms. They first start by seeing what social media accounts click likes on media, that will allow social media platforms to get more of the companies pop ups that fit the users interest. Companies now know how to target audience demands faster than ever. Media give companies a way to promote their companies through these pop ups. Companies gain better understanding o f their customers by them sharing their insight on media. It give companies a chance to improve their products to the likes of the audience. The significance of businesses using media as a form of marketing allows to reach a wider audience and how to fit their merchandise to the audience demands. Business ties in with the changing lifestyle, demands and resources of a consumer. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Marketing Benefiting From Social Media" essay for you Create order When we have a role model we admire them and want to be like them; businesses have reached out to many audiences by celebrity endorsements. To this day celebrity endorsement are known as an old tactic. Social media takes a big part in this method. Now a days we see more Instagram role models also known as Instafamous take part in this as well. The followers notice the accessories these role models wear and purchased it. In the article Celebrity Endorsement In Social Media Marketing by Janina Rantanen she mentioned that Not only will an influencer have a wide network but everybody in that network have their own networks and so on. This means that if you get the celebrity to like your product and they talk about it or post it on their social media account, their followers will see it and be most likely at least a little bit in intrigued by that product and go do their own research on the subject and possibly will buy the product or service themselves and tell about it to their friends. They also consider it a way to test whether the company is trustworthy or not. The trust between the corporation and consumers is very important this days. Thats when celebrity endorsement comes in. We see their honest opinions about a certain company, and its merchandise. In conclusion social media has benefited marking in many ways and it helps them gain a bigger audience and is a faster way of knowing the customers demands. Many companies develop new tactics which have become very successful. Many corporations rely on the platform of social media to promote and understand their customers wants through celebrity endorsement.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Sex and Violence on Television Essay - 2135 Words
Sex and Violence on Television Since its inception, television has been the center of controversy. Often it has been viewed as being extremely detrimental to society, and because of this, it is often referred to as the Boob-tube or the Idiot-box. So what makes television so detrimental? - The content (or in the opinion of many) the lack thereof. It is said that television has caused the rotting of our minds, that it depreciates the imagination and contributes to laziness. But the most important accusation against what comes over the airwaves, is that it influences some people into committing antisocial and often immoral behavior. Narrowing down the search of the most important problems reveals an excess of sexual and†¦show more content†¦This is a classic example of the economic law of supply and demand. Another point is that this country has become more violent and more open to the things of sexuality as the years have gone by. Still yet another good reason why there is so much on TV, is that people are attracted to almost anything that has to do with violence or sexuality. Nevertheless, the consensus agrees that the problem is that there is far too much sex and violence on television and the amount needs to be diminished. So the new question is, By what means should that amount be decreased? I believe that the general public should pick up the stick and embark on letter writing campaigns to all of the networks that broadcast sex and violence and also write to major corporations asking them not to advertise during such objectionable programming. Also, the public should utilize that old, tried and true, time tested method - look for the remote. And lastly people need to take advantage of the new V-chip technology that has been introduced recently. In a way the Supreme Court supports this idea by saying that on the airwaves, †¦ ‘indecent speech can be regulated (but not banned altogether)†¦ (Godwin 1). This indecent speech, lawyer Mike Godwin is talking about, includes material of the sexual and violent nature. And the regulating has already been delegated to laws that define what exactly is indecent material and mandating that electronics manufacturers include aShow MoreRelatedViolence And Sex On Television898 Words  | 4 Pages Violence and Sex on Television: Effects on the Younger Audience In today’s society, the media is used greatly for communication, advertisement, information, and for numerous other reasons. The world has evolved by technological advances as well as by the type of content that is put out on the internet, radio, and especially on television. In particular, violence and sex are two of the most controversial content types that have been recently used loosely in the present as compared to theRead MoreDoes Sex and Violence on Television Have a Negative Effect on Children?2395 Words  | 10 PagesDoes sex and violence on television have negative effects on children? 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Some parents pay little to no attention to the ratings of television shows, or movies, or the amount of sex, and/or violence their child sees on television. Studies indicateRead MoreViolence in the Media in Richard Rhodes Hollow Claims about Fantasy Violence1289 Words  | 5 Pagesabout Fantasy Violence†expresses that the media’s portrayal of violence has no influence on those that view it. One of the first tactics that Rhodes used was by attacking the flaws of Organizations who blamed entertainment for the issues of violent behaviors. He claims that due to increased social control over the years has caused a decline in violence. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Employment Relations in Singapore Essay Sample free essay sample
Introduction The figure of people with disablements rises every twenty-four hours and one of chief factor tips to the fact that the survival rate from accidents are higher with more advanced medical engineering presents. This contributes to the lifting per centum of Peoples with disablements through either by birth. old age or the above ground. but are at that place adequate employment policies to protect them and what are the employments issues are they confronting? About 5 % of the population or 100. 000 people in Singapore have disablements ( Singapore Press Holdings 2012 ) . Peoples with disablements ( PWDs ) have demands which are non really different from those of other able-bodied individuals. Some of them can take normal lives with certain accommodations which others may necessitate a higher degree of attention and attending. ( Ministry of Community Development. Policies – Peoples with Disabilities 2011 ) PWDs can be encouraged to accomplish autonomy and a sense of self-pride done employment as it plays a important societal and economic map for persons within a society. Many require preparation and employment facilitation and support services for sustainable employment. ( Ministry of Community Development. MCYS 2012 ) This paper aims to analysis the employment issues related to handicapped individuals and assorted strengths and failing. Analysis Majority of the grownups with disablements are unemployed even though they have the willingness to work and lend to society. There are four occupation arrangement bureaus in Singapore that focal point and map as a chief support to PWDs are: Autism Resource Centre. Bizlink Centre. MINDS and Society for the Physically Disabled. These bureaus provide installations and services to assist PWDs happen employed work and there are a sufficient figure of them. . What is missing is the figure of occupations available by the private sector that allow PWDs to use for. Not all companies are unfastened to using PWDS as there are many factors for this which may include ; non holding the ability or work force to develop a handicapped individual. the company administration is non a suited environment. PWDs may miss of certain accomplishments or the ability to make specific undertakings which is required as it is the company’s chief map and more. The tabular array below is a study of the United Kingdom study on what jobs and troubles do companies confront when enrolling handicapped people. Table 1. Beginning ( Goldstone 2002 )Unsuitable type of work and the deficiency of a suited environment with installations to provide to disable people make up a large part of the tabular array with respects to the troubles faced by some employers whom are non looking at engaging PWDs. A flooring 2 % felt that there might be favoritism and biass towards to them and make non wish to ask for that into the company. 2. 1LEGAL Aspect Alternatively of traveling down the legislative path. Singapore has set up the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices ( TAFEP ) which is an confederation between the three parties – employers. brotherhoods and the authorities. This is to advance just employment patterns that employers can implement to forestall favoritism in the workplace ( Veron 2011 ) . Disabled people will be working on a just land whereby employers and higher-ups are non allowed to end them on baseless evidences and any signifier of torment will non be tolerated. ORGANISATION SUPPORT Merely a workplace with a diverse workface is more receptive and embracing towards PWDs employees. The administration will so be able to be more flexible and do some accommodations to better the environment for them to work in. This is missing in bulk of the companies in Singapore as there are really few policies or criterions implemented which includes handicapped people. One company that supports employment of PWDs in the service sector is Holiday Inn Orchard City Centre Singapore. Out of their 250 employees. 33 of them are with disablements. However their director Kanchan Kanwar did foreground that PWDs took twice the clip to develop compared to abled bodied people. but the direction themselves have to be patient and understanding to be able to successfully develop and prolong their occupations. ( Singapore Press Holdings 2012 ) Real WORLD VS SHELTERED WORLD Though there are an increasing figure of PWDs being employed today with the aid of the non-profit occupation arrangement companies. merely a little part are in a existent fast paced concern administration. Majority of them are employed in non-work community integrating programmes or sheltered workshops which are programmes supported by the authorities and charitable administrations. These will give them a lesser border when it comes to see and development of accomplishment in the competitory working society. TRANSITION ISSUES One chief employment relation issue are the fresh alumnuss from school. Unlike abled bodied people. immature people with disablements need more support for their passage period from school to working and populating in the society. It is comparatively more hard to set down a occupation directly after their preparation programmes and this becomes an issue if they are unemployed for a period of clip. they might acquire demoralised and even behind society. Bizlink has set up a production workshop to assist with this. Alike to sheltered workshops. the production workshops provide sheltered employment for PWDs who are either non suited or non yet ready for unfastened employment. The admittance into the workshop selective as it will see their operation degrees and skill sets. The map of this workshop will be similar to working society as they would gain high allowances as they manage more complex undertaking. ( Bizlink 2012 ) WagessWagess are one of the chief employment issues for the handicapped people. Employers are non willing to pay them every bit much as abled bodied or similar as they may non be able to execute as expeditiously or efficaciously as them depending on nature of undertaking such as manual labor. It will be rather unjust to PWDs if they are excessively underpaid as most of them and their households are besides financially burdened with medically measures. The authorities devised a strategy to promote to employers to use PWDs and to offer them a sensible wage. Particular Employment Credit of 16 % will be paid out to foremans who hire people who have attended classs from particular instruction school regardless of age. A upper limit of SGD240 is capped and this is help supply sustainable employment every bit good. ( Government 2012 ) Decision Though there are many issues sing employment of people with disablements. the Singapore authorities and community has non ignored it. Master Plans and enterprises have been taken to better on the issues which PWDs are confronting such as low employment rate and accomplishment development. Many non-profitable administrations have emerged provide installations and services to provide to this population. Most significantly. Singapore has to be more unfastened minded and accept a more diverse work force as everyone has a possible endowment and accomplishment to lend to this society regardless of physical abilities. Mentions Bizlink. BizLink Enable Thru Employment. 2012. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bizlink. org. sg/about-us/service-model. Goldstone. Carol. Barriers to Employment for Disabled People. Crown. 2002. Government. Singapore. Particular Employment Credit. 2012. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. sec. gov. sg/sec2012. hypertext markup language. Ministry of Community Development. Young person and Sports. â€Å"Enabling Masterplan2012-2016. †2012. MCYS. Policies – Peoples with Disabilities. 2011. hypertext transfer protocol: //app1. mcys. gov. sg/Policies/DisabilitiesPeoplewithDisabilities. aspx. Singapore Press Holdings. â€Å"Hire Disabled Workers and Get Pay Out. †The Straits Times. 2012. Veron. Kate. â€Å"Towards Disability Confidence. A Resource Guide for Employers in Hong Kong and Singapore. †Community Business. April. 2011. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. fairemployment. sg/assets/files/Publications/Publication % 20- % 20Disability % 20Resource % 20Guide % 20 ( DRG ) . pdf.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Ethics And Values Of Social Work Social Work Essay Essay Example
The Ethics And Values Of Social Work Social Work Essay Essay The end of societal work professionals is for the wellbeing and empowering of those in society who are impoverished, populating in subjugation, and vulnerable. Social workers must besides concentrate on the forces in a individual s environment that are involved in doing and lending to jobs in life conditions. Those people who are assisted by societal workers are referred to as clients. They can be persons, groups, households, or communities. Therefore, societal workers must be attuned to cultural, racial, and cultural differences in people. This will assist set an terminal to favoritism, subjugation, poorness, and other types of societal wrongs. There are six nucleus values on which the societal work profession is based. These are service, societal justness, self-respect, and worth of the individual, importance of human relationships, unity, and competency. These nucleus values are the cardinal rules that a societal worker should utilize in covering with clients and helps steer them in handling the clients with self-respect and regard. We will write a custom essay sample on The Ethics And Values Of Social Work Social Work Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Ethics And Values Of Social Work Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Ethics And Values Of Social Work Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The societal workers Code of Ethical motives are at the nucleus of the profession. These moralss are of great importance to all societal work pupils as good. They help in doing sound judgements and determinations when covering with all sections of the population regardless of the clients faith, race, or ethnicity. The six nucleus values of societal work have ethical rules which are the ideals to which each societal worker should endeavor to run into. Service happens when a societal worker uses his or her cognition, values, and accomplishments to assist those in demand. Social justness is when a societal worker efforts societal alteration on behalf of those who ca nt assist themselves. Dignity and worth of the individual is demoing regard to each client irrespective of their societal state of affairs. The importance of human relationships is seen by societal workers in their attempts to progress, regenerate, and better the wellbeing of households, societal groups, and communities. Integrity is acting at all times in a trusting mode. Competence is fundamentally a societal worker cognizing his or her occupation and taking stairss to bettering their professional expertness. Pertinent Ethical motives and Valuess Covering with Worth and Dignity There are several moralss and values that relate to human diverseness and the worth and self-respect of individuals. Employment of these moralss and values are of great importance to the societal worker and the client. They are as follows: 1.02 Self-government Social workers respect and promote the right of clients to self-government and assist clients in their attempts to place and clear up their ends. Social workers may restrict clients right to self-government when, in the societal workers professional judgement, clients actions or possible actions pose a serious, foreseeable, and at hand hazard to themselves or others. 1.03 Informed Consent ( B ) In cases when clients are non literate or have difficulty understanding the primary linguistic communication used in the pattern scene, societal workers should take stairss to guarantee clients comprehension. This may include supplying clients with a elaborate verbal account or set uping for a qualified translator or transcriber whenever possible. ( degree Celsius ) In cases when clients lack the capacity to supply informed consent, societal workers should protect clients involvements by seeking permission signifier an appropriate 3rd party, informing clients consistent with the clients degree of understanding. In such cases societal workers should seek to guarantee that the 3rd party Acts of the Apostless in a mode consistent with clients wants and involvements. Social workers should take sensible stairss to heighten such clients ability to give informed consent. 1.05 Cultural Competence and Social Diversity ( a ) Social workers should understand civilization and its map in human behaviour and society, acknowledging the strengths that exist in all civilizations. ( B ) Social workers should hold a cognition base of their clients civilizations and be able to show competency in the proviso of services that are sensitive to clients civilizations and to differences among people and cultural groups. ( degree Celsius ) Social workers should obtain instruction about and seek to understand the nature of societal diverseness and subjugation with regard to race, ethnicity, national beginning, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender individuality or look, age, matrimonial position, political belief, faith, in-migration position, and mental or physical disablement. 1.07 Privacy and Confidentiality ( a ) Social workers should esteem clients right to privateness. Social workers should non beg private information signifier clients unless it is indispensable to supplying services or carry oning societal work rating or research. Once private information is shared, criterions of confidentiality apply. ( vitamin D ) Social workers should inform clients, to the extent possible, about the revelation of confidential information and the possible effects, when executable, before the revelation is made. This applies whether societal workers unwrap confidential information on the footing of a legal demand or client consent. ( degree Fahrenheit ) When societal workers provide reding services to households, twosomes, or groups, societal workers should seek understanding among the parties involved refering each person s right to confidentiality and duty to continue the confidentiality of information shared by others. Social workers should inform participants in household, twosomes, or group reding that societal workers can non vouch that all participants will honour such understandings. 1.11 Sexual Harassment Social workers should non sexually harass clients. Sexual torment includes sexual progresss, sexual solicitation, petitions for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature. 1.12 Derogatory Language Social workers should non utilize derogative linguistic communication in their written or verbal communications to or about clients. Social workers should utilize accurate and respectful linguistic communication in all communications to and about clients. 1.14 Clients Who Lack Decision-Making Capacity When societal workers act on behalf of clients who lack the capacity to do informed determinations, societal workers should take sensible stairss to safeguard the involvements and rights of those clients. 2.01 Respect ( a ) Social workers should handle co-workers with regard and should stand for accurately and reasonably the makings, positions, and duties of co-workers. ( B ) Social workers should avoid indefensible negative unfavorable judgment of co-workers in communications with clients or with other professionals. Unwarranted negative unfavorable judgment may include take downing remarks that refer to co-workers degree of competency or to persons properties such as race, ethnicity, national beginning, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender individuality or look, age, matrimonial position, political belief, faith, in-migration position, and mental or physical disablement. ( degree Celsius ) Social workers should collaborate with societal work co-workers and with co-workers of other professions when such cooperation serves the wellbeing of clients 4.02 Discrimination Social workers should non pattern, condone, facilitate, or collaborate with any signifier of favoritism on the footing of race, ethnicity, national beginning, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender identify or look, age, matrimonial position, political belief, faith, in-migration position, or mental or physical disablement. 4.03 Private Behavior Social workers should non allow their private behavior to interfere with their ability to carry through their professional duties. 4.04 Dishonesty, Fraud, and Deception Social workers should non take part in, condone, or be associated with dishonesty, fraud, or misrepresentation. My Positions of the Ethical motives and Valuess Covering with Worth and Dignity Self-government is a really of import value when covering with a client. This allows the client, with aid from the societal worker, to place their ends. The client will experience a sense of ownership in making said ends. Privacy and confidentiality besides play a immense function in continuing the worth and self-respect of person having aid. Everyone, irrespective of their position in society, has a right to privateness. Some clients may non cognize that they have these rights or may believe that their right to privateness has been forfeited since they are having aid. This, of class, is non true, and the societal worker should inform the client of this fact. The societal worker besides has to recognize that non all of the people having services are literate and must therefore explain to those clients the revelation of confidential information. This besides pertains to each person s rights to confidentiality when supplying reding to twosomes or groups. A societal worker should neer do progresss of a sexual nature to a client. This may take some clients to believe that the lone manner that they can have aid is to give into those progresss. It may besides do others to non seek aid at all. Derogatory linguistic communication, either verbal or written, can be corrupting to a client. A societal worker has to be cognizant of the civilization of the individual that they are turn toing. What may non be important to the societal worker may, on the other manus, be violative to the client. The decision-making procedure varies from client to client. The societal worker must do certain that when he or she is moving of behalf of a client that the client s involvements and rights are safe guarded. Respect in the Social Work Code of Ethics is under the ethical duties to co-workers, but it should besides be under the manner clients should be treated. When 1 shows regard to another individual, communicating is greatly enhanced, and communicating is what societal work revolves around. Discrimination is something that can non and should non be practiced, condoned, or facilitated by a societal worker. This means favoritism of any type to include ; race, ethnicity, sex, colour, matrimonial position, political relations, mental disablement, in-migration position, or sexual orientation. Discrimination has an inauspicious consequence on the client and the societal work profession. When a societal worker allows their private life to impact their work, no 1 wins. A societal worker must be professional plenty to divide the two. Another issue that deals with a societal worker s professionalism is his or her ability to non take portion in any manner with misrepresentation, dishonesty, or fraud. My Application of the Ethical motives When covering with ethnicity, I will larn about what is acceptable and unacceptable with each cultural group. I will guarantee that I differentiate between ethnicity and race. National beginning has to be dealt with in a similar manner as with ethnicity. Therefore, I will guarantee that I am cognizant of the imposts of the client s fatherland. Social category requires that a societal worker non organize preconceived impressions of the individual being served. I will maintain my head unfastened and guarantee, as with all instances, to listen to what is being said. Religion is a really huffy topic that has to be handled. I will do every attempt to understand the imposts and traditions of assorted spiritual groups in order non to pique. When covering with a client that has a physical or mental disablement, I will guarantee that their self-respect and worth is non compromised. I will utilize linguistic communication that they can easy understand, and I will non speak down to the person. Everyone has the right to populate their life they manner that they choose. I will neer judge a client based on their sexual orientation. This and the old topics can be handled by merely being a professional. I will endeavor to be a masterful professional at all times.
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